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Wednesday, January 29 – January Series Calvin University – RESHMA SAUJANI 12:30 p.m.

January 29 @ 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Reshma Saujani – A Conversation on Pay Up and Brave, Not Perfect

Reshma Saujani will argue for innovative corporate leadership, government intervention, and a sweeping culture shift—the topic of her most recent books, “Pay Up: The Future of Women and Work” and “Brave, Not Perfect.” In her conversation with us, she’ll also dismantle the myth of having it all and lift the burden we place on individual women to be primary caregivers and how to celebrate imperfection.

Reshma Saujani dismantles the myth of “having it all” and lifts the burden we place on individual women to be primary caregivers and to work around a system built for and by men. Through powerful data and personal narrative. Saujani shows the cost of inaction and lays out four key steps for creating lasting change: empower working women, educate corporate leaders, revise our narratives about what i means to be successful, and advocate for policy reform.

For more than a decade, Saujani has built movements to fight for women’s and girls’ economic empowerment. An activist, she founded Girls Who Code to address the gender gap in computing classes. She is the author of the international bestseller Brave, Not Perfect, and her influential TED talk, “Teach girls bravery, not perfection,” has more than 5 million views globally. Most recently, she’s advocated for policies that value women’s labor in and out of the home, successfully introducing the Marshall Plan for Moms”(now Moms First) to House and Senate leaders.  

Follow Reshma on Facebook@reshmasaujani, and X, or learn more about her at reshmasaujani.com. 

With appreciation for today’s underwriter:

The Howard Miller Company, Calvin Center for Innovation in Business

This lecture will be broadcast live at the Dogwood Center from 12:30-1:30 p.m. Admission is free.

For more information on the Calvin University January Series click here.

The Dogwood Center, a remote site for the Calvin University January Series, is supported in part by the Fremont Area Community Foundation.


January 29
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm


Dogwood Center for Performing Arts
4734 S. Campus Court
Fremont, MI 49412 United States
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